Some strange warehouse type place; people around. I have become involved somehow with EV in some type of alcove where laundry is being done. In the main room there is a large conference table. CW and friends are there and he sees me. JZ is there. I am wondering if he is going to be upset as we seem to all converge at the "council" table.
It turns out JZ is upset; in fact, more upset than could have been imagined in any known reality. He is so upset, he goes from bulging eyes to actually changing body shape and size - At times he is very small. He wants to kill me. We are fighting in my parents' basement, I don't want to fight at all but I have to defend myself. With him being rather small and strangely formed at times,
I am able to beat him severely, almost into non-existence. All that is left of him is a sort-of bacon bit under the couch. At some point I was looking for help out the back door, but I'm not sure if I wanted help to fight him or help because he was in such bad shape.
Eventually I am nearly weeping, apologizing and explaining my actions to him. At this point, indeed, he is a cheese sandwich or similar, in a sealed piece of Tupperware at the top of the stairs.
I go out into the backyard where some family types are around in the daylight. There are few giant dogs running around, very frantic and vaguely menacing. One races over to check me out, but I move in such a way so that he ends up in the pool. Soon I am also in the pool, the dog
is swimming very deftly underwater, not very dog-like, still oversized though. I am jostled in his wake as he blows by.
Another part, where I am acting in a movie being filmed. It is a biopic of Martin and Lewis and I am playing Jerry Lewis. The scene being filmed is a backstage scene, so I am not slapstick Jerry, I'm serious real-life Jerry. Having suddenly found myself in this situation, I have to improvise. I get into the character
of business-like Jerry and make certain characteristic facial expressions. We are in some type of ballroom scene. Dino (played by Tom Hanks) finally arrives in the scene, with help from
an entourage; he is late for our show and in bad (drunken) shape. Tom Selleck plays the role of Dean's manager. I go up to him to talk. Even though we are probably out of camera/microphone range, I improvise with him some dialogue. I get close to Selleck as we walk and ask him quietly about how Dean is. I say, "He'd better be perfect...", regarding the show. Selleck seems unworried and replies flippantly, "Everyone will be perfect..." Just as I leave his side, I say, dead-pan skeptically, "It'd be a first..." Selleck laughs at the cleverness and smoothness of this improv.
There is one final section of the dream. There continues to be some type of movie still being made, filmed. Some hotel or something, "Helen Hunt" is mentioned but Helen Hayes the elder actress is actually meant. Apparently someone has stolen some money from her. At one point the "camera" catches a shot of the cash hidden in a cupboard just out of the view of the actors. Andy Kaufmann is possibly the culprit, though at this point it is about him as a person; he is not acting a role. The film (dream) is telling his true life story (not true in reality of course.) He is some type of immigrant/exchange student who came over to get his start; I'm amazed to think how far he got from such humble non-English beginnings. (At no point in the dream do I think of, or connect this story with, Kaufmann's Foreign Man/Latka character.)