Trying to catch up here, and note some interesting dreams over the last few weeks...
Setting up at some kind of club show, with a band. Band includes PJF with lots of old gear i.e. Roland D-50. Someone (sound guy) wants to sound check, but holds guitar and changes amp settings. I'm getting increasingly upset. Breaking point reached and "I'm out", not doing show, I say. RH is there, sitting, very upset, saying if I pull out this time I'll never get another gig. I'm unmoved. Show starts. I'm sitting with PJF on some long vinyl couches near stage - stage is nice, good sound system. PJF voices my regret, asks if maybe we can still play a set. I'm negative, I believe it's too late in the evening.
Band is playing, and they have some cavalcade of girls coming from a side entrance to join them on stage: back-up singers. Supposed to be attractive, but they come out and they are older, acne-riddled, pock-marked, rosacea etc. Two of them are particularly old and short and sport bad auburn colored fake beards on their faces, long as if they are wigs.
Another sequence where I'm in some kind of art class that BP is running, and I haven't been there in a while, and that's my excuse why I didn't bring some new brushes/materials. I watch someone near me drawing/painting, and they seem to be able to manipulate the image digitally at the same time, like the canvas has a computer type interface at the bottom.