Sunday, June 20, 2004

Concentration Camp

In some type of fenced in concentration camp, sitting on ground with others, tense, trying to hide something from officers. One catches me, threatens me with pair of scissors at neck. Says he's killed a prisoner(musician?) with one blow, threatens to do the same.

Later somehow we are all exiting; family is there, going to car at curb. I forget something and take too long coming out - I'm surprised how much I'm able to salvage of my former stuff from the camp experience. Sister in backseat window, saying we are going to miss the last ferry at 2pm.

We get to some type of station, someone references that there used to be a cemetery here, but I see they moved all the little plaques to a little cardboard box across the street propped on a skinny post. It is unclear if the coffins were also moved or not.

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