Friday, November 26, 2004

Falling Woman / The Convenient Biographer / Train to the Afterlife

City scene outdoors, daytime. A woman is seen leaping from a skyscraper (reason unknown.) As I watch, a few seconds after the leap, the scene rewinds and starts again - I deduce at the time that this sight is so traumatic that I am already re-living it, but it seems to be happening in real time again. I am able to fly into the air in front of everyone to attempt a rescue. It's unclear if I'm successful - I do catch "something"; might be a ghost.

Another dream, my father tells me that his friend CW is working on a book about Tim Buckley's voice. He has copious notes and sheet music. Two songs are noted on a piece of paper: "I Never Asked To Be Your Mountain" and "Once I Was." CW has apparently also worked on a book about Charles Mingus. I find this all highly suspicious considering my connection, and my father plainly admits the subject choices were "convenient."

Another dream in which I've reorganized the living room furniture much more intelligently and conveniently, but it resembles more my parents' dining room instead of my apartment. I'm able to move the china cabinet by myself with ease, oddly.

There is another sequence in which I'm with family on some type of train, but the train is crossing over into the next life at some juncture and I have to prepare. Not afraid. Done it before, of course. Crossing over, everything remains relatively similar (in train), but psyche now has ability to alter environment in a subconscious way, for better or worse depending on automatic thought processes/mood.

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