Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Paul McCartney Comic Book

I'm reading someone's complaints on an internet forum. Apparently, each Beatle has his own long-running comic book, and this person is complaining that the Paul McCartney comic hasn't been very interesting in a long time. Specifically, this reader notes that the comic hasn't used the antagonist/foil character "Nordanius Canus" in some time, with boring results (the Lennon comic and Harrison comic are better regarded by this person.) This Nordanus/Nordanius Canus is sort of like a Lex Luthor villain to McCartney's Superman in the comic. Brief glimpse of the comic, Paul looks somewhat similar to his Yellow Submarine cartoon incarnation, and the comic and main character in general have a pseudo-Victorian feel; Paul's home base is a dark, medieval castle. It's apparent that each Beatle's comic book has an entirely different storyline and approach.

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